siPORT NeoFX Transfection Agent
This Ambion lipid-based formulation can be used to efficiently transfect adherent cells with siRNA as they are subculturedwithout increased cytotoxicity. It is provided in one tube containing 1 mL.
riboFECT™ CP转染试剂
riboFECT™ CP转染试剂是一种专门用于核酸分子的转染试剂,极具生物相容性,转染效率高,细胞毒性小,适合各种核酸分子(如siRNA、miRNA、质粒)的转染实验。
HiPerFect Transfection Reag基因转染试剂0.5ml
描述:用于向真核细胞转染siRNA和miRNA。试剂盒包含 - 可进行166次24孔盘转染,或666次96孔盘转染的HiPerFect转染试剂。优点 - 可在低siRNA浓度下高效地转染。
siPORT Amine Transfection Agent
A polyamine-based Ambion siRNA transfection agent that can be used to transfect cells during subculturing-saving a full day of valuable timewithout increasing toxicity. It is supplied in one tube cont
Lipofectamine Stem Transfection Reagent
Lipofectamine Stem Transfection Reagent is optimized to achieve maximum efficiency with minimal early differentiation in a wide range of stem cells. It can co-deliver DNA, RNA, and Cas9 ribonucleoprot